Hande Çetik On the Making Of “Sesini Dinlerim”

What was the creative process like for this particular "Sesini Dinlerim?"

I discovered new things about myself and my relationship during the process of creating Sesini Dinlerim; I had always been on the performing side of things before, suppressing my creative side. In the production process, Can was a great help to me as a producer. We also discovered another version of our relationship as both partners and coworkers. I wanted the song to evoke a feeling from people's own stories rather than telling a specific narrative. That's why the sound was more important to me than the lyrics. In this regard, I was fortunate to work with the person who knows me and my emotions best.

Can you share any memorable experiences or stories from performing "Sesini Dinlerim" live?

We recorded the vocal tracks for Sesini Dinlerim at Bostanci Vintage Live Studio. We did it in a peaceful home environment with vintage instruments and equipment, a sweet cat, and a view of the Marmara Sea. This was important for my emotional state. Everything being natural and organic, recording the song in a relaxed home-like atmosphere contributed to the spirit of the song. I sang the song as if I were singing it to a friend, without feeling any performance anxiety.

How do you feel "Sesini Dinlerim" represents your artistic identity or musical evolution?

Sesini Dinlerim is my maturity period. It's like a woman who has found her roots in love. Years pass by in search, and we may want to define ourselves with labels. We can hide behind those definitions. But I've come to understand that the most important thing is love. Loving myself has allowed me to exist in this world as an individual, and I'm rooting my being in love. This song is a product of my journey. Love, freedom, and the sea are essentials to my life, and I wanted to convey the feelings of all three in this song. This is a period when I'm setting my creativity free, and I'm showing the courage to open my heart to people.

How has studying at the 9 Eylul Conservatory made an impact on your music career?

Opera education is both challenging and incredibly enjoyable. You learn to push the boundaries of your voice and interpretation while delving into the intricacies of classical music. I've been immersed in this music since childhood when I started playing the flute in high school. Pursuing music education was a demanding process; classical music truly is a field that requires hard work and patience. When we talk about performing arts and opera, we're referring to a very old, powerful, and versatile tradition. It has given me an incredible perspective and allowed me to view life holistically. Especially when performing on stage or working on a project, I meticulously consider every detail. I collaborate with experts in the field. Even for a small recital, I pay attention to my styling or seek advice from professionals whom I trust. I wouldn't even give a mini pop concert without preparing my voice properly. I try to be just as attentive and graceful toward my loved ones and life in general.

Can you recall a particular moment, artist, or experience that had a significant influence on your music?

Apart from classical music, I grew up listening to many valuable singers like Freddie Mercury, George Michael, Craig David, and others. However, as a woman, Beyoncé holds a very special place in my heart. In my youth, a boyfriend once told me that it wouldn't be possible for me to be a good partner if I pursued a career in the performing arts, and he wouldn't like that, asserting that every man would prefer a traditional wife. I remember my heart being deeply hurt during those years. Despite I was studying in an environment that respected the arts and freedom, my parents had a marriage built on traditional roles. Even in the marriage of two artists in TV Shows, or in local novels, you could see constraining themes like jealousy. During that time, I began to read about the feminist movement. I had been listening to Beyoncé since my childhood, and her songs were fun and empowering for me. Beyoncé's bold stage shows, her strong presence, her career achievements while raising children, and her organizational skills were a source of inspiration for me during a period when I was trying to define myself as a woman. Because witnessing someone's development is very different from just reading about it. I still follow her with great admiration.




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