Blake Baker On the Making Of “Mind The Gap”

What was the creative process like for this particular "Mind The Gap?"

The inspiration for “Mind The Gap” came from my experiences of traveling into London for musical events. Growing up in a small town setting, I'm somewhat of a 'country bumpkin'. As such, I'm always left feeling somewhat alienated by the dynamic and fast-paced nature of city life and the hustle and bustle of the everyday environment. I wrote the song after one such experience, and hope it will resonate with anyone that has ever felt out of place, or found themselves somewhere unfamiliar.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for "Mind The Gap?"

The recording process was performed in a really organic way, alongside mixing engineer and musician Mark Tug (of rock band The Fishes and I), we slowly pieced together segments of the song and came up with interesting stems to keep the track moving, and hopefully, interesting for the listener. The solo section was probably the most tricky section as the sound opens up so much. Giving the track space, while also trying to convey messages with the guitar solo was probably the trickiest part, but I think it came together well!

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for this "Mind The Gap?"

We spent a long time trying to find suitable tube train sounds and the start and end of the track! It took longer than we thought!

What's your favorite part about performing live? How do you connect with your audience during a performance?

You've hinted at it in the question, but it is the connection. Hearing people singing lyrics back at you, or seeing them smile or dance feels incredibly rewarding and addicting. You can sense the exciting energy in the room for a really great gig, and that feeling is even more palpable if you are the musician playing.

How do you continuously grow and evolve as an artist?

I think it is a learning process, with each release, and with each year that goes by, I'm constantly trying to remain open to new ways of making, promoting, and performing music and being creative. I don't think there will ever be an endpoint to the creative journey, but I'm excited to see where it will lead, and what future music I release as a result!





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