Fiona Amaka On the Making Of “Standing Right Beside You”

What was the creative process like for this particular "Standing Right Beside You?"

A lot of my writing comes from my experiences or experiences of people who I know. The tunes then kind of latch on to the thoughts and feelings that are in my head. “Standing Right Beside You” was no different- it was a song I'd written a few years ago and left to marinate.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for "Standing Right Beside You?"

A breakthrough moment came a few weeks before I recorded the song for the second time. A different melody for the original chorus just popped into my mind. It was lighter than the more angsty original version and felt easier to grab onto. So I went with it.

Have you noticed any particular interpretations or connections that listeners have made with "Standing Right Beside You?"

Connections with the song... when I've showcased acoustic versions of the song, I've introduced it as a song about being with someone who always thinks they can do better than you. Cue ironic snorts and sighs from the audience! I think people can relate to it whatever their gender, although the song is written from the female perspective.

Is there a specific song that holds a particularly special meaning to you? Can you share the story behind it?

Anyway you come, which I recorded with Andy last year, is a song that has a particularly special meaning for me. My mother was battling Motor Neurone Disease at the time. I wanted her to know that whatever way she came, flawless or physically ravaged from that illness, she was beautiful to me. Although she's no longer here in person, the song takes me back to when she was. Other songs- “In Your Room” by Airiel tends to stop me in my tracks, as does “Do you like the Way” by Santana. To name a few.

Are there any collaborations you've been a part of that have been particularly memorable or rewarding?

The (super-talented) producer and session guitarist Andy Zanini has been a great collaborator over the past year. He has this humorous way of getting it across when a song structure or melody that I'm really keen on just isn't vibing for him. And don't tell him, but he's normally right!





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