Actve Captve On the Making Of “Ellis Island”

Can you share any interesting or unique stories or perspectives in "Ellis Island?"

With the debut of their latest single, “Ellis Island,” Actve Captve, the versatile rock/soul/pop band led by multi-instrumentalist Justin Han, explores the poignant and universal themes of love, loss, and hope. The song artfully parallels the emotional turbulence of a heartrending breakup with the journey of immigrants who leave their homelands in search of new beginnings, much like the thousands who passed through Ellis Island in pursuit of the American Dream. Drawing from Justin Han’s personal experiences, this new single delves deeply into the complexities of human emotion and relationships, capturing the dichotomy of leaving behind a cherished world while simultaneously holding onto the hope of creating a new one.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for "Ellis Island?"

The most challenging part of the process was harnessing all the various talents needed to create music at the professional level. From finding a producer who shared the same musical references and goals, to a mixing engineer who was on the same page, to a mastering engineer who had the experience necessary to tie all the disparate influences and styles together. Instrumentally, “Ellis Island” is deceptively simple, and requires a deep well of experience and musicality to perform the way the parts are intended. Thankfully, Actve Captve has a deep well of talent and artists to pull from in bringing the artistic vision to life.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "Ellis Island?"

Produced by Jason Heninger, mixed by Israel Doria, and mastered by Justin Colletti, “Ellis Island” stands as a testament to Actve Captve’s meticulous attention to sonic detail. Cassie Brandi’s soulful vocals add an almost gospel-like quality to the track, recorded at Blue October’s Orb Studios in Austin, TX. The musicianship is further anchored by the rock-solid drum work of Kyle May, recorded in Nashville, Tennessee. songwriting process for a piece like "Ellis Island" can be both challenging and rewarding. One challenge is capturing the depth of emotion and significance associated with such a historical and emotional location. Always aiming to strike a balance between honoring the past and creating a song that resonates with contemporary audiences.

How do you approach creating something new and different?

Actve Captve is built on a philosophy of collaboration and the belief that every perspective is valid and full of fresh ideas and potential for innovation. From writing to recording to mixing and mastering, there is a new opportunity to remain open-minded and take creative risks at every stage. Of course, there is such a thing as too many cooks in the kitchen, so remaining mindful and intentional about who is brought into the creative process, and at which times, is key.

Are there any upcoming projects or releases that you're particularly excited about?

The band is very excited about the single that will follow “Ellis Island”, which is titled “Away From You” and is the biggest exploration into new sonic territory that the band has made yet. Pulling from contemporary pop and hip hop production references like Cautious Clay and Juice WRLD while retaining the emotional vulnerability and authenticity of songwriting influences like Alanis Morissette and The Smiths is the cutting edge of the band’s future sound, and we can’t wait to share that song with the world in October.





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