Cult Of Indigo On the Making Of “Without”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Without?"

Eloise (lead singer/guitarist) wrote the song when thinking about how obvious it felt being in love with someone but not explicitly saying it. 'I am standing before you' 'I am screaming out' indicating like 'Hello I'm right here!!'... it turned into more of an exposition about being addicted and obvious about it to a person/thing/concept, but that's where it all grew from originally.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Without?"

julian did an awesome job of smashing out the drums in just a few takes in a little studio under a flightpath. we had to stop every now and then if a plane was flying overhead so it didn't pick up on the recording. Honestly, he's just wicked talented and it was amazing to witness. there was a bit of a break in between that and then guitar/vocals so it was really fun coming back to it after a few months to revisit and 'remember' how it all went.

What do you like the best about this track?

this song is a really good synthesis of everyone's writing styles and abilities, i think we all put our own spin on the parts we play so it's a pretty good view of how everyone in the band is and what we all like. the guitar part which comes in the 'breakdown' section and again at the end is also really fun to play and just an awesome aggressive little section.

How did your band members initially come together?

originally Eloise (vocals/guitar) met Sarah (guitar) back in 2010 at a music summer camp as teenagers. we hung out over the years quite a lot and then at Eloise's 21st birthday party she asked Sarah if they could start a band because she had already written a bunch of songs. julian (drums) was Sarah's housemate at her previous place and Harry (bass) answered an ad on Facebook!

What do you enjoy most about performing live and connecting with your audience?

getting up on stage is just such a good release of energy and there's something so special about looking out at a crowd and knowing they're there to listen to real live music. The industry these days just seems to be shrinking and connecting with people who are still out to support it is really wonderful and I'm so glad to be part of it. getting to spread songs about things I (Eloise) experienced or care about is totally special too because it's like a little part of my brain/soul that now all these other people have.





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